
The Families and Employers survey is a coupled survey of individuals and employer establishments. It comprises : 

- an individual component, a telephone or internet survey of around 41,000 people aged between 20 and 65 living in mainland France. The survey sample is drawn from the Fidéli 2021 edition.

- an employer section, an Internet survey of establishments where the people interviewed in the individual section work (12,000 establishments with 10 or more employees surveyed).

FamEmp is a panel survey, with at least 3 waves of questioning, to explore the dynamics of work-life balance.

Responses to the questionnaire will be matched with data from administrative sources (tax sources, employment data, company data) to enrich the data collected on the standard of living, the professional characteristics of the respondents, and the characteristics of their employing establishment.
The survey complies with the provisions of European (General Data Protection Regulation - RGPD) and French (amended Data Protection Act - LIL) regulations on the protection of personal data.